
Monday, February 21, 2011

Final Fantasy: Another two titles coming for iPhone

You know what, i really hate to know the fact of something or anything good is on the way to the iPhone, due to these good things, the phone is acknowledged to be one of the best shitty gaming platforms ever made in history, except for the ridiculously expensive price.

This is one of the f-ing latest example; Square Enix decided to release two more titles for the iOS-based,(the previous two titles were Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II) making the franchise to exceed up to 4 titles till now. The titles are expected to be entitled with the names of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and Final Fantasy III, approximately coming to the Apple Stores in Spring. These titles have already been in the Playstation Network (PSN) from 2007, and to this date, it is the iPhone's turn to get the fame coverage.

According to V-Jump magazine, the Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions was supposed to be released last year, but due to some inevitable reasons, it was delayed for another date. The graphic gets ever better, and of course, the menu sizes have been enlarged for the ease of the players to access more options or commands.

This announcement has been made for Japan, but I'm pretty sure that the Square Enix will be releasing the titles internationally, and yes, the Europe and North America will not having the chance to miss these.

"iPhone is cool." There i said it.


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