
Friday, February 11, 2011

Sony Playstation Portable stays

  Usually, when Sony announced a new enhanced device of gaming platform, we can easily predict what would happen to the previous version of the console. Well, they'll just sack them away eventually. For instance, look at what happened to the noble Playstation the 2nd once the 3rd one hit the market. The games got lamer and lamer, and most of the famous ones will cease to exist. But hey, things aren't work the same in the Playstation Portable legacy. Why the hell was that? Keep reading.

The president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studio stated to Edge that although the NGP will comes by the end of this year, the company doesn't plan to halt the business standpoint of the former PSP, which has been six years in the sales since the first debut made on 2004. Although the sales of the handheld weren't quite in the picture of Sony might want it to be, but based on the statement made by the company previously, claiming that they have the ten-year plans for their gaming console, they just want Sony PSP to be a part of it.

 Another thing to be discussed is about the specific pricing of NGP, which hasn't been mentioned by Sony yet. But indeed, the president just spoke a word or two, "In terms of pricing, we can't sell the NGP for the same price as a PSP. The PSP has become very affordable and popular, especially with younger generations," he said. 

Yeah, we know, it would be ridiculous to sell NGP at the price of current PSP, but we'll definitely have no tolerance with any handheld console at a price of an iMac for sure. Bear that in mind, Sony.


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